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#Coronavirus: The takeaways and delivery must rules

Restaurants are allowed to continue their take-out and delivery activities. The Ministry of commerce reminds on its site that take-away and delivery of meals at home remains authorized provided that it is done without contact, in order to ensure maximum protection of those preparing meals, deliverers and customers.

Below is a practical sheet on “health precautions to be observed when delivering meals to your home”.

1. Contactless delivery takes place under the following conditions:

  • A meal recovery zone must be set up by the restaurant, separate from the kitchen, in order to ensure the recovery of the meal without contact between the person (s) responsible for preparing the meal and the person responsible for delivery.

  • The delivery man deposits his open bag and the restaurant staff places the meal directly in the bag.

  • Upon delivery of the meal, the delivery person warns the customer of his arrival (by striking or ringing).

  • The delivery person leaves immediately a minimum distance of 2 meters from the door, before the door is opened by the customer. The goal is not to cross paths.

2. Instructions for restaurateurs and meal preparation team

  • Barrier gestures (washing your hands very regularly, coughing or sneezing in your elbow or in a paper towel, using a disposable paper towel and throwing it away, greeting without shaking hands and without kissing) must be applied continuously, by the all staff.

  • Any symptomatic person (fever or feeling of fever, cough, breathing difficulties) should not go to his place of work.

  • The bags containing the meals must be properly closed.

  • Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces and utensils in contact with food.

3. Instructions for deliverers

  • Barrier gestures must be applied continuously

  • Any symptomatic person (fever or feeling of fever, cough, breathing difficulties) should not go to his place of work.

  • When waiting in front of a restaurant, the deliverymen ensure that the safety distance of one meter is respected between them.

  • The delivery person warns the customer of the delivery person's arrival and leaves immediately or departs a minimum distance of 2 meters from the door after the meal has been dropped off.

  • The delivery equipment must be regularly cleaned, particularly the areas in contact with the hands, using disinfectant wipes or a cloth and cleaning product corresponding to EN 14476 standard (listed on the label).

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